The Share Fund

How We Fund

We, the members of The Share Fund’s Funding Committee, fully appreciate the value of financial support to individuals and organizations working on racial and gender justice. Through The Share Fund’s grantmaking, we give encouragement, opportunity and financial security to a number of organizations working on these issues across Washington state.

But it’s our sincere hope that Share Fund grantees receive much more than a boost to their bank accounts. We also aim to build community, and a culture of information-sharing among the cohort of Share Fund grantees. That’s why events such as Share Fund grantee parties are such an important part of our mission.

How do we choose which groups to fund and invite into this cohort of mutual mentorship? In an attempt to eliminate traditional barriers to funding and respect the time and energy of potential grantees, the Share Fund does not have an application process. 

Instead, we as the Funding Committee compile a list of organizations which fit our funding criteria, including being BIPOC-led and furthering racial and gender justice in Washington state. Then together, we select which groups to fund each fall. If you live in Washington State and know of an organization addressing racial or gender equity in your community, please let us know! We are always eager to learn about amazing people and programs we may not have heard of. Just visit our Contact Us page to get in touch.

We seek to continually to celebrate and lift up the incredible work of The Share Fund grantees, and encourage you to read more about these individuals and organizations on our Grantees page.